This post is a long time coming. I have not worked on food storage much in the past two years. Mainly because we have been eating what we had. I am SOOO thankful for the food storage we had because we never had to go on any type of assistance for food during Mike's layoff, subsequent lower paying job (which we are thankful for!) and move to the Midwest.

I wanted to share what we have done. We are back to trying to build our food storage back up. I have gotten a ton of great information from Everything Under the Sun by Wendy DeWitt. She inspired me to have a Global Sun Oven - Solar Cooker and prepare and store the foods that we really eat. I have to say that Glenn Beck's emphasis on what is happening with the economy has heightened my awareness of how short we are on time in order to be prepared.
The U.S. government is currently printing money just to survive. The Federal Reserve has held the Fed Funds Rate at 0-0.25% for nearly two years and just announced that it will be printing an additional $600 billion in new U.S. dollars by the end of June 2011. Since the beginning of September until now, just in anticipation of the Fed's upcoming quantitative easing, we have experienced the largest ever short-term increase in the history of agricultural commodity prices with corn rising by 32%, soybeans rising by 32%, orange juice rising by 12%, coffee rising by 19%, and sugar rising by 66%. These agricultural commodity price increases will begin to work their way into grocery stores nationwide in the weeks and months ahead, as food manufacturers and retailers are forced to raise their prices. - - Nov. 10, 2010
Our financial situation, like many others, has been a bit on the shaky side. That said, I hope that Heavenly Father will continue to bless us with the ability to become debt free and have our food storage. This will be a series of posts, so I hope you will tune in for all of the steps. (Don't get overwhelmed! it is not rocket science, but it does take some time.)

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